

551 5814
Laugavegi 103 - Við Hlemm

ADAX – Vatnsvörn


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Vatnsvörn sem gott er að bera áður en taskan eða hanskarnir eru teknir í notkun.

Gott að nota 1-2 ári eða þegar þörf krefur. Brúsinn er 200 ML.

Haldið brúsanum c.a. 20 cm frá leðrinu og spreyið jafnt yfir.


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Vörunúmer: 39710B Natural Flokkar: ,

Adax protection spray

It is very important to impregnate your bag before use, so that it is well protected from everyday hardships. Adax protection spray can be used on the majority of leather types.

Adax protection spray provides a transparent protection against fluids, dirt and stains.

A regular protection with Adax protection spray extends the product’s life. The treatment should be repeated once or twice a year or when needed.

Please keep a distance of 20 cm to the bag, when using Adax protection spray.

